Our Story

After 20 years, we closed our local yarn shop on Bainbridge Island, alas, but kept our online store active. Knitters and crocheters around the world continued to enjoy our patterns and projects.
One day, in Kingston, we came across an old gift shop on a beautiful property. It was available. We peered around. We could see ourselves there. We moved.
So now the Churchmouse Studio is the new home of churchmouseyarns.com. More than that, it’s where we can host monthly events we call “Open Studios.”

Our motto is “Time Well Spent.” If you invest money and time in a project, you should have fun making it and be delighted with the result. That’s why our patterns have so much detail!
If you need help with a project you have on the needles, or are unsure of what to start next, write to us or give us a call. You won’t deal with chatbots; you’ll talk to us -- people who love what we do.

Open Studios
Every month we host an “Open Studio” where you can:
- squeeze yarns;
- try on samples;
- see every color of every yarn we have on our website
- sit with us while we place an online order for you with free shipping;
Your order will arrive at your home, usually in three business days or less.